Tuesday, February 20, 2001

Iron Coffin - 125

Capt Alex Volkonov (AV) came to the US and asked Harm for assistance in investigating the demise of the Russian sub Vladivostok. At first Capt Baxter stonewalled H then C called in a favor of Adml Crawford at SUBLANT then Cmdr Flagler spoke with H and the angry AV. Baxter questioned Hs loyalties so C & H spoke w/ him; he finally admitted that the experimental Russian Shkval 2 torpedo did a 180 and sunk their own ship. But he said, "How we know is security classified."

Mac and Bud assisted female Ensign Terry Childers in testifying before Latham's committee regarding her wanting to serve on submarines, despite policies against it. L shanghaied M into taking a "fact finding" sub cruise on the Watertown with Flagler and reporting to her. H was, at the same time, also invited for a Public Relations cruise on the Russian sub Minsk. The irrational Russian Captain was firing another Shkval 2 torpedo putting H & M in "tap dance mode." Finally M convinced Flagler into breaking the subs radio silence. M told the Russians that the US had "placed listening devices aboard all Russian ships" trying to convince him not to fire the defective missle. The Russians fired anyway so Flagler fired a drone (toward Minsk) so that when the torpedo finally did its 180 and came back at the Minsk, it acquired the drone at the last minute and prevented it hitting the Russian sub.

Brum & Renee went to a concert together; both said they were afraid to ask M & H if they had had an affair.

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