Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Answered Prayers - 145

[A truly amazingly written show!] Coats and her worthless preacher father was introduced. Because of Christmas leaves the judge orders H to take care of Coates awaiting trial. He is talked out of putting her into jail and tried to leave her with her father. When he saw how demeaning and hateful her father was he convinced M to take her in overnight. Singer prosecuted the case. Coates ended up with H at a pre-sermon party given by the Roberts and was accused of stealing Ss new jeweled bracelet. She ran from the party and H had to track her down and bring her back only to find that Ss bracelet had been taken by "little AJ." S was eventually stood up by wealthy boyfriend who bought her the jeweled bracelet.

Mikey went before Lindsey for his acceptance interview for the Naval academy. H restored his Vet w/ Ts help. T revealed a childhood punishment by his chaplain father for "wrongful appropriation of a bike." Hs car didn't have a top on it yet so he refused to give T a ride; and then it was "stolen" from his garage. Webb tried to make cell phone contact w/ H throughout the story but was nearly blown up. Chloe talked to her deployed dad on the phone, and helped M & H befriend Coats. H kissed M under mistletoe.

C had to defend the Navy in a "publicity trial" from a NY lawyer claiming "imprisonment" of reindeer getting on to military runway in Iceland. T introduced his father Chaplain Turner who was going to give his 50th Christmas sermon in the service. He is recalled to active duty one time a year to give the sermon. C recalled to him his memory of a Xmas sermon in Vietnam that really helped him through the hard times and realized it had been chaplain Turner who had given it! Chaplain T called in a favor from a Jewish chaplain friend in Iceland and got him to take custody of the reindeer.

Chaplain T used the theme "the unsung father Joseph" as a vehicle for flashbacks into the characters' fathers' relationships: "had a premature death, but taught skills & prepared for future," and "bind up the broken hearted and free the captives"-- (Hs father); "at times a solid foundation for family, support taken for granted or may need shoring up himself"-- (Mikey, B); "tired, impatient, mired in own problems"-- (M & her father reconcile B4 death); but, "he always looked beyond here and now; keeping one eye on the next generation so of necessity he is a man filled w/ hope that a knowing God watches over the universe, hope that justice will prevail, hope that we will be reunited w/ loved ones"-- (B & Hts loss of baby). Paul said: "abide by these 3: faith, hope, Love, the greatest love. When we give thanks to the father for our blessings, let us not forget Joseph or our own fathers"-- (back to H) "that they not be forgotten this Xmas."

Afterward C told the chaplain "you did it again" (comparing w/ previous sermon in Vietnam.) Lindsay told Mikey he was accepted to naval academy. Big Bud complimented Mikey & hugged him. Singer met Lindsey. T "returned" Hs car he "appropriated" with a new top. Coats stayed w/ M & kissed H in gratitude "I could get arrested but it was worth it". And lastly, H went to the Vietnam wall to see his fathers name & found an Xmas card taped to it addressed "to Harmon Rabb Sr - the father I never knew"-- Sergei appeared. Webb had risked his life & traded Chechens wheat for him and brought him out! Webb said "merry Xmas H" but didn't allow Sergei to say "thanks" by giving him a preemptive "you're welcome."